In preparation of the Universal Periodic Review of the Russian Federation in 2018, Lawyers for Lawyers has written a mid-term report. In this report, we set out to which extent the Russian Federation has implemented the recommendations it accepted during the 2013 UPR process in relation to the role of lawyers.
During the UPR in 2013, the Russian Federation received and accepted several recommendations regarding due investigation and prosecution of all cases of violence, threats and attacks against human rights defenders, including lawyers.
Lawyers play a fundamental role in defending human rights by providing independent legal services. It is of vital importance that all cases of violence against them are condemned, investigated and that those responsible are held accountable. Failing to do so has a chilling effect on society as lawyers are unable to properly defend their clients, and may become reluctant to take on sensitive human rights cases.
Our report concludes that the Russian Federation does not fully uphold the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers and has failed to adequately implement the recommendations regarding the due investigation and prosecution of all cases of violence, threats and attacks against human rights defenders, including lawyers.
Click here to read the report.